The main architectural sights of Brno are located in the historic center of the city. The central part of the city, which is a pedestrian zone, is surrounded by a…

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Meet Montenegro!
Your tour to this Balkan country can be active, informative and short, or it may have a more relaxed “country format” more familiar to our compatriots. Montenegrins are a few…

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Israel: must-see places
The area of ​​Israel by our standards is quite small, but there are so many historical places on its territory that it is almost impossible to visit them in a…

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waiting for guests

Efteling Park in the Netherlands

Efteling Park in the Netherlands, which appeared in 1952 thanks to an artist from the Netherlands, Anton Pik, is located 100 kilometers south of Amsterdam, in the town of Kaatsheuvel, a few kilometers from Tilburg (Brabant Province) …

Efteling Park in the Netherlands

This oldest entertainment corner of Holland grew out of a small clearing, which the creator populated with the heroes of fairy tales: dragons, elves, genies, gnomes … The Dutch and their kids liked the idea, and the park began to grow, including more and more modern attractions. Today it is the largest theme park in the Netherlands, one of the favorite holiday destinations for young Dutch people, as well as one of the oldest amusement parks in the world. It is twice the size of the world famous Disneyland Park in California, which appeared three years later. Each year, Efteling is visited by over 4,000,000 guests. Continue reading

The best beaches of Sharm El Sheikh
Thanks to decent service by “Egyptian standards”, a transparent sea and chic coral reefs, Charm is without exaggeration the most popular Egyptian resort among foreign tourists ... In this article…


Unusual beaches of Spain
There are many wonders in Spain, even the beaches are unusual. Some are completely hidden under water at high tide, others are hidden among the coastal cliffs. On some beaches,…


Jachymov is a balneotherapy (radon) resort in the north-east of the Czech Republic, located 17 km from Karlovy Vary and 130 km from Prague, at an altitude of 650 m…
