Parisians guard historical harmony
About how historical architectural monuments are loved and protected in Paris, our compatriots living or visiting the capital of France speak and write a lot and willingly ... Parisians guard…

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The most disappointing sights
Whatever country you are going to, guides, articles on the Internet, brochures must mention the main local attractions. The most disappointing sights Tourists are waiting for meetings with them, hoping…

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Monaco, affordable luxury ...
Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country. Monaco, affordable luxury ...…

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their health

Dubai Venice – Madinat Jumeirah District

In this article we will talk about one of the most prestigious resort complexes of the most expensive Dubai Jumeirah district – Madinat Jumeirah …

Dubai Venice – Madinat Jumeirah District

The Madinat Jumeirah resort complex is located along Jumeirah Beach between the “visiting card” of Dubai – the Burj al-Arab Hotel (500 meters to its left) and the equally famous artificial island of Palm Jumeirah.

Thanks to a single competent layout, numerous canals, the shores of which are built up with exclusive low-rise buildings and villas, and chic gardens, this area looks truly luxurious against the rest of multi-storey Dubai.

Dubai Venice Continue reading

The most disappointing sights

Whatever country you are going to, guides, articles on the Internet, brochures must mention the main local attractions.

The most disappointing sights

Tourists are waiting for meetings with them, hoping to see something original and memorable. Alas, after visiting some attractions instead of joy and vivid impressions, sometimes disappointment comes …


Most disappointing sights: Angel of the North in the UK

The world’s largest image of an angel is located near the British city of Gateshead, tourists are often brought there. The author is a modern sculptor Anthony Gormley. The British themselves believe that “this terrible freak dishonors art.” What is difficult to argue with a glance at the picture of the “Angel of the North”. Continue reading

What to see in Abu Dhabi?

If you decide which country to go so that your vacation is as comfortable as possible and at the same time informative, the United Arab Emirates will surely attract your attention.

something to see in Abu Dhabi?

In this article we will tell you about what to see in Abu Dhabi – an amazing city, the capital of the UAE and the emirate of the same name, in which the implementation of bold architectural projects with the latest achievements of science and technology coexists peacefully with oriental exoticism and strict adherence to Muslim traditions.

Seeing Abu Dhabi in the airplane window, it is impossible to believe that this greenest city in the UAE is located in the lifeless Arabian desert. But this is exactly so, and about a million trees on its streets, in parks and squares are continuously watered – each individually, like a huge number of flower beds and lawns! Continue reading

Dubai Venice - Madinat Jumeirah District
In this article we will talk about one of the most prestigious resort complexes of the most expensive Dubai Jumeirah district - Madinat Jumeirah ... Dubai Venice - Madinat Jumeirah…


Thailand or Vietnam - where to go?
The two main tourist destinations in Southeast Asia today are Thailand and Vietnam. In this article we will try to compare the pros and cons of both directions. Thailand or…


Where to go to the UAE?
The United Arab Emirates today is a combination of traditions and the latest achievements, luxurious beaches on the background of bold multi-story architecture and desert landscapes ... It offers tourists…
