If you plan to travel the Czech Republic by car, be sure to put in your wallet the rights, vehicle registration certificate and green insurance. The latter can be bought…

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What to see in Portugal
The most western and, perhaps, the least developed by Russian tourists state of continental Europe is, of course, Portugal ... Portugal This country is located in Europe, west of Spain,…

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Rambla Boulevard, Barcelona
Perhaps there is no better way to truly feel the spirit of Barcelona than just leisurely strolling along its streets and boulevards. One of the most visited streets of Barca…

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Many stay

Monaco, affordable luxury …

Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country.

Monaco, affordable luxury …
For some, Monaco is associated with chic hotels and luxurious life, with world-famous casinos, and for some with world-famous Formula 1 races.

One thing is for sure, this is one of the most calm and stable countries, for 700 years now there have been no revolutions and coups.

All this time, the country is ruled by the Grimaldi dynasty, one of the oldest monarchies in Europe. Due to the fact that the laws here do not tax private capital with income tax, here you can meet many famous Hollywood stars and athletes living in chic mansions. In Monaco, you can also meet our Russian millionaires and famous women. Continue reading

Japan is an island nation
Holidays in beach resorts in Japan, first of all, is popular among the Japanese themselves. Beach vacations are possible on Okinawa from mid-May to September, or year-round on Saipan. So…


Efteling Park in the Netherlands
Efteling Park in the Netherlands, which appeared in 1952 thanks to an artist from the Netherlands, Anton Pik, is located 100 kilometers south of Amsterdam, in the town of Kaatsheuvel,…


The most unusual and beautiful cities of Brazil
In fact, all Brazilian cities can be considered unusual and beautiful, the country of Brazil itself is very beautiful and quite unusual for Europeans ... The most unusual and beautiful…
