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Meet Montenegro!

Your tour to this Balkan country can be active, informative and short, or it may have a more relaxed “country format” more familiar to our compatriots.

Montenegrins are a few southern Slavic people, Orthodox and very colorful.

Montenegro has long-standing historical, religious and cultural ties with Russia, and the attitude towards the Russians (and they are considered to be all immigrants from the countries of the former USSR) is traditionally friendly.

The hospitality and hospitality of local residents plus visa-free entry, two international airports have turned this small country into a stronghold of Russian tourism in the Balkans. Not only traditional holidays on the coast, but also buying and renting real estate for the summer season are very popular among Russians.

It is customary to relax in Montenegro in small towns and villages on the Adriatic coastline, the resort service is very well developed here. However, Montenegro should not be considered a purely resort country: for tourists who are tired of the “seal” reclining on the beach, there is always something to do and what to see.

Montenegrins managed to defend their independence, religion and national identity during the centuries-old struggle with various invaders, and this was reflected in the monuments of history, culture and art.

Herceg Novi Town

Well illustrates the above town Herceg Novi, located at the mouth of the Bay of Kotor. More precisely, the historical part of the old city with winding streets, small squares and two fortresses protecting them for six hundred years: on a mountain above the city and on the seashore. And here, in Herceg Novi, is a spa, known throughout Europe for its healing sands. People from different countries who want to improve their health in Herceg Novi will be registered for treatment in a few months.

Maximus Nightclub in Kotor

Visiting historical and cultural monuments does not exclude typical resort entertainment. They are provided by an extensive network of night clubs, the most famous of which is Maximus, located in the port of Kotor in the former fortress adjacent to the city wall. The most famous European DJs regularly perform here.

Splendid Casino Royale

It is worth mentioning such a fact – gambling is officially allowed in Montenegro, several casinos operate in Budva, Podgorica and Kotor. Most often they play roulette, poker, blackjack and craps.

The winding coastline attracts many yachtsmen to Montenegro

And the winding coastline attracts many yachtsmen to Montenegro; yacht and other small craft rental is well organized here.

In conclusion, you need to deal with a little confusion with the capitals of Montenegro. As follows from the country’s constitution, the city of Cetinje is the official capital. The city has historically been the center of Montenegrin statehood and the Orthodox faith, the residence of the Montenegrin kings was also located in Cetinje. However, in 1946, the capital was moved to Podgorica, then renamed Titograd, in honor of the then communist leader of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito. In 2006, after Montenegro gained independence, Cetina again received the title of capital, but the bulk of state institutions remained in Podgorica. Therefore, both cities are considered capitals: Cetinje – official and cultural, Podgorica – political and business.

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