Holidays in the Polish Baltic
For Poles, the southern coast of the Baltic Sea is their “Far North”. But the country has no other sea, and today the Baltic coast of Poland is actually more…

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The most interesting and largest aquariums in the world
Tourweek has compiled a list of the world's most interesting, most unique and largest aquariums ... Aquarium in Atlanta, USA Georgia Aquarium - the largest aquarium in the world, located…

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Abkhazia - some tips for tourists
Abkhazia is a very beautiful country, and at the same time, colorful even against the background of other Caucasian lands. Holidays here are more suitable for lovers of wildlife, legends…

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organ dysfunction

Cinque Terre, Italy

According to environmentalists, the province of Cinque Terre on the Ligurian coast of Italy is the cleanest land in the whole Mediterranean. Five small towns clinging to cliffs near the sea, gave the name to this resort – Cinque Terre is translated from Italian as “Five Lands”.

Cinque Terre, Italy – the cleanest land in the Mediterranean

Tourists are attracted to the Cinque Terre not only by the incredibly beautiful cliffs hanging over the sea, at the foot of which old buildings are piled up in a picturesque mess. The life of local residents, traditionally engaged in fishing, growing grapes and actively offering “gifts of nature” to tourists, is also interesting. The life of these people was little changed by the “benefits of civilization” who came here, the Ligurian fishermen living in the “Five Lands” have largely preserved the customs and traditions of their ancestors.

Monterosso al Mare (Monterosso al Mare) Continue reading

What to see in Portugal

The most western and, perhaps, the least developed by Russian tourists state of continental Europe is, of course, Portugal …


This country is located in Europe, west of Spain, in the southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Atlantic coast.

Due to its geographical and cultural isolation from its “big” Spanish neighbor, Portugal has its own unique and rich culture. This country, by the way, is already more than 900 years old, and although it has a relatively small area, it still played a decisive role in world history.

Today, Portugal is the oldest state in Europe with borders that has not changed for many centuries.

Festivals in Portugal Continue reading


Jachymov is a balneotherapy (radon) resort in the north-east of the Czech Republic, located 17 km from Karlovy Vary and 130 km from Prague, at an altitude of 650 m above sea level on the southern slope of the Ore Mountains, near the border with Germany. The population is 3 194 people (2010).

The main healing wealth of the Jáchymov resort is bicarbonate-sodium-thermal mineral waters with natural radioactivity. In addition to the high content of radon, local mineral water also boasts the presence of rare elements – molybdenum, titanium and beryllium.

The area in which the resort of Jáchymov is located is unique in the number of mineral deposits. At the beginning of the 16th century, the richest deposits of silver ore were discovered here. After the development of silver deposits, uranium ore was mined here to produce then popular uranium paints. In 1898, the Curie couple discovered completely new elements in the waste rock – radium and polonium. This discovery brought them the 1903 Nobel Prize. Continue reading

Darkov is a resort complex in the city of Karvina in the northeast of the Czech Republic, near the border with Poland (5 km). The exceptional natural wealth of iodine-bromine…


Sri Lanka attracts divers from all over the world with a variety of corals, marine inhabitants with unusual names and species (angelfish, Moorish idols, parrot fish), dolphins and whale sharks,…


Parisians guard historical harmony
About how historical architectural monuments are loved and protected in Paris, our compatriots living or visiting the capital of France speak and write a lot and willingly ... Parisians guard…
