Travel to the land of giants - in the UAE
Traveling to the UAE is a great way to see something unusual, because the Asian flavor is completely different from any European state. Travel to the Land of the Giants…

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Holidays in Courchevel - for different tastes and wallets
The scandal with the Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, which happened several years ago, made the French Courchevel in the minds of our compatriots a symbol of super-expensive vacation, accessible only…

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Monaco, affordable luxury ...
Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country. Monaco, affordable luxury ...…

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numerous hotels

Cinque Terre, Italy

According to environmentalists, the province of Cinque Terre on the Ligurian coast of Italy is the cleanest land in the whole Mediterranean. Five small towns clinging to cliffs near the sea, gave the name to this resort – Cinque Terre is translated from Italian as “Five Lands”.

Cinque Terre, Italy – the cleanest land in the Mediterranean

Tourists are attracted to the Cinque Terre not only by the incredibly beautiful cliffs hanging over the sea, at the foot of which old buildings are piled up in a picturesque mess. The life of local residents, traditionally engaged in fishing, growing grapes and actively offering “gifts of nature” to tourists, is also interesting. The life of these people was little changed by the “benefits of civilization” who came here, the Ligurian fishermen living in the “Five Lands” have largely preserved the customs and traditions of their ancestors.

Monterosso al Mare (Monterosso al Mare) Continue reading

Beautiful old Lisbon

The city of Lisbon is magnificent, you can wander through its historic streets all day without any purpose, just enjoy this ancient and beautiful city, as well as its unique atmosphere …

Beautiful old Lisbon

It is unlikely that you will want to walk around this city with a guide, listening to his stories. It is more interesting to move around the capital of Portugal yourself. Although a sightseeing tour is still worth a visit. Every half hour from Prasa da Figueira, sightseeing tours in Lisbon are sent on four different routes.

Tours in Lisbon

There are many places here that you will want to tell your friends about later. Continue reading

The most disappointing sights

Whatever country you are going to, guides, articles on the Internet, brochures must mention the main local attractions.

The most disappointing sights

Tourists are waiting for meetings with them, hoping to see something original and memorable. Alas, after visiting some attractions instead of joy and vivid impressions, sometimes disappointment comes …


Most disappointing sights: Angel of the North in the UK

The world’s largest image of an angel is located near the British city of Gateshead, tourists are often brought there. The author is a modern sculptor Anthony Gormley. The British themselves believe that “this terrible freak dishonors art.” What is difficult to argue with a glance at the picture of the “Angel of the North”. Continue reading

Efteling Park in the Netherlands
Efteling Park in the Netherlands, which appeared in 1952 thanks to an artist from the Netherlands, Anton Pik, is located 100 kilometers south of Amsterdam, in the town of Kaatsheuvel,…


Where to go to the UAE?
The United Arab Emirates today is a combination of traditions and the latest achievements, luxurious beaches on the background of bold multi-story architecture and desert landscapes ... It offers tourists…


Marianske Lazne
Unlike other resorts, Marianske Lazne offers treatment for a wide range of diseases. This is primarily due to the fact that the chemical composition of the sources are very different…
