The coast of France stretches for 3 427 km. About 270 beaches on all coasts of France are marked with the ecological blue flag symbol Blue Flag. South of france…

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Sights of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is our close neighbor. This country has not only a common border with Russia, but a common historical past, and many spiritual, economic and humanitarian ties. However, how much…

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Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary is a spa town in the west of the Czech Republic, located in the historic Bohemia region at the confluence of the Ohře and Tepla rivers, 120 km…

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Features holidays in Goa

India is a very popular tourist destination among our compatriots …

Features holidays in Goa

But if 5-10 years ago tours to India were purchased because of the desire to just see this country, familiar from childhood from Kipling’s tales, now this desire has become more focused – most of our tourists go to the state of Goa – the main and world famous beach resort countries.

The coast in Goa stretches for almost 112 kilometers, forming about forty beautiful long beaches. The state is divided into North and South Goa, the conditional “border” between which is considered the fort Aguada.

Goa coast stretches for almost 112 kilometers

South Goa – the most civilized and most adapted to the needs of “package tourists” area. Accommodation in hotels of this part is considered more expensive, and even by European standards. Therefore, the resorts of this part are popular mainly among wealthy Europeans and wealthy Indian tourists. Continue reading

Holidays in the Russian Baltic
Hot and noisy resorts by the warm seas are not popular with everyone. And not everyone can afford them, if we talk about Thailand, Egypt, the Turkish Mediterranean and other…


Features holidays in Goa
India is a very popular tourist destination among our compatriots ... Features holidays in Goa But if 5-10 years ago tours to India were purchased because of the desire to…


Nine unusual waterfalls in different countries
No one knows how many waterfalls are on the earth. Perhaps this is because sometimes it is difficult to say: is there really a waterfall in front of us, that…
