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The most interesting and largest aquariums in the world
Tourweek has compiled a list of the world’s most interesting, most unique and largest aquariums …
Aquarium in Atlanta, USA
Georgia Aquarium – the largest aquarium in the world, located in the US city of Atlanta. It was opened in 2005, the total volume of water in the tanks of the aquarium – more than 32,000 cubic meters.
The oceanarium is divided into 60 thematic sections, which are inhabited by about 120,000 sea creatures belonging to more than 500 different species.
Four huge whale sharks, two whale whales and two manta rays can be considered the most interesting inhabitants of the Georgia Aquarium.
In the aquarium there are not only closed ponds, but also ponds where you can touch the inhabitants, for example, a small pond with stingrays. Continue reading
Scandinavian countries – what to see for tourists?
The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe – Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are parts of Denmark, and the Aland Islands are part of Finland.
Scandinavian countries
But this formulation is erroneous, since traditionally only Sweden, Norway and Denmark belong to the historical and cultural region of Scandinavia. This region covers the Scandinavian peninsula (Norway, Sweden and part of northwestern Finland), the Jutland peninsula (Denmark) and the adjacent islands.
But usually in all guidebooks Iceland and Finland are also called Scandinavia, because they are very close, as well as history and culture are closely connected with the Scandinavian countries. And even the flags of these five countries are similar, all feature a characteristic cross, slightly offset from the center to the left. By the way, he first appeared on the flag of Denmark. Continue reading
Features holidays in Goa
India is a very popular tourist destination among our compatriots …
Features holidays in Goa
But if 5-10 years ago tours to India were purchased because of the desire to just see this country, familiar from childhood from Kipling’s tales, now this desire has become more focused – most of our tourists go to the state of Goa – the main and world famous beach resort countries.
The coast in Goa stretches for almost 112 kilometers, forming about forty beautiful long beaches. The state is divided into North and South Goa, the conditional “border” between which is considered the fort Aguada.
Goa coast stretches for almost 112 kilometers
South Goa – the most civilized and most adapted to the needs of “package tourists” area. Accommodation in hotels of this part is considered more expensive, and even by European standards. Therefore, the resorts of this part are popular mainly among wealthy Europeans and wealthy Indian tourists. Continue reading