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What to see in Abu Dhabi?

If you decide which country to go so that your vacation is as comfortable as possible and at the same time informative, the United Arab Emirates will surely attract your attention.

something to see in Abu Dhabi?

In this article we will tell you about what to see in Abu Dhabi – an amazing city, the capital of the UAE and the emirate of the same name, in which the implementation of bold architectural projects with the latest achievements of science and technology coexists peacefully with oriental exoticism and strict adherence to Muslim traditions.

Seeing Abu Dhabi in the airplane window, it is impossible to believe that this greenest city in the UAE is located in the lifeless Arabian desert. But this is exactly so, and about a million trees on its streets, in parks and squares are continuously watered – each individually, like a huge number of flower beds and lawns!

All this green splendor is complemented by numerous skyscrapers, which incidentally amaze the imagination not by their heights – in Tokyo, New York or Shanghai, there are even higher ones – but by an unprecedented variety of architectural solutions, sometimes simply shocking visitors to the city.

Abu Dhabi Circle Building

There is a skyscraper in Abu Dhabi both in the form of a circle and in the form of an inverted cone, and it is impossible to determine the shape of the building of the National Museum of Sheikh Zayed in one word.

The building under construction of the Sheikh Zayed National Museum

But the most striking thing is the “falling” skyscraper of the Capital Gate. The slope of the building is as much as 18 degrees, it is four times more than the slope of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, but in contrast to it, the Gates of the Capital do not fall – the slope is set with the explicit expectation of falling into the Guinness Book of Records. And a stainless steel veil that absorbs the sun’s rays completes the fantastic impression of this masterpiece of modern architecture.

What to see in Abu Dhabi: Capital Gate skyscraper

Looking at all these architectural beauties, the thought comes by itself – the authorities of this Arab country are able to manage their oil wealth! Thanks to their efforts, there really is something to see in Abu Dhabi. This idea only strengthens with a closer acquaintance with the city.

What to see in Abu Dhabi: Ferrari World Fun Park

The 65-meter bright red Ferrari logo is distinguishable even from an airplane; it is located on the territory of Disneyland for Adults, the Ferrari World amusement park. All of the local attractions are marked by the legendary favorite “Formula One” – from a 3D simulator to a roller coaster, where carts styled like a Ferrari race at a speed of 240 km / h.

Both adults and children will also love the new chic water park Yas Waterworld, spread over an area of ​​15 hectares. It offers 43 different attractions, five of which have no analogues in the world, including the world’s first 238-meter tornado water slide.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi

The guidebooks call Sheikh Zayed Mosque “the standard of new Arab luxury,” although the inhabitants of the UAE themselves consider this religious building a memorial. The mosque is designed to perpetuate the memory of the unifier of the country and the first head of state – Sheikh Zayed ibn Sultan al-Nahyan. The height of each of the four minarets is 107 meters; the mosque can simultaneously accommodate 40 thousand believers. Here is the world’s largest carpet, its area is 5627 square meters, and a chandelier weighing about 12 tons.

Luxury Hotel Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi

What to see in Abu Dhabi: the machine produces gold bullion

The luxury of Abu Dhabi hotels can be judged by this fact. If for some reason you need a gold bar, you can buy it here … in the machine, like a bottle of Pepsi! There are only two such machines in the world, one in China, the other in Abu Dhabi, in the lobby of the Emirates Palace hotel. Heads of some states have lifelong rooms in this ultra-luxury hotel. The hotel is surrounded by a huge park with fountains and palm trees, has its own beach. And even the keys to the rooms are stylized as gold coins.

We hope you have received the answer to the question “What to see in Abu Dhabi?”

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