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How much to fly to Sri Lanka and which airlines?

Your vacation in Sri Lanka will undoubtedly be useful and rich in vivid impressions, but you should prepare for the fact that the flight to the island of Ceylon in the Indian Ocean, where this amazing country is located, will last quite a long time …

How much to fly to Sri Lanka and which airlines?

And it will cost, accordingly, not cheap. Moscow and the capital of Sri Lanka, the city of Colombo, are separated by 6,750 kilometers.

Most often, tourists use airliners of the national Sri Lankan carrier – Srilankan Airlines. Only this airline operates direct regular flights from Moscow to Colombo on an A-330 airbus. Flight time – 8 hours 30 minutes. Passengers depart from Moscow in the evening, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 20.15, and arrive at the capital’s Sri Lanka airport in the early morning at 6.15. local time.

You can get to Sri Lanka and a little roundabout, on the planes of Middle Eastern companies, with a transfer (landing) at one of the airports in the UAE or Qatar. Such a route is offered by Etihad Airways (Abu Dhabi), Emirates Airlines (Dubai), Qatar Airways (Doha). Given the connections with this option, the flight from Moscow to Sri Lanka will take from 11 to 15 hours.

There are other options for flying to Sri Lanka using planes of other airlines, for example, you can fly from Singapore, Thailand, or closer – from India. In general, with any version of the flight, it turns out far and long. However, the question “how long does it take to fly to Sri Lanka?” Is inextricably linked with another question – is it worth it to fly?

Definitely worth it. Firstly, on the island, nature created excellent conditions for a beach holiday – many kilometers long semi-desert beaches are common.

Deserted beaches of Sri Lanka
Secondly, there is a very rich excursion – what is the famous Sigiriya fortress, protected by UNESCO.

Sigiriya, Sri Lanka. Photo 234

In general, almost all Sri Lankan historical sights are concentrated in the central part of the island, the so-called “Cultural Triangle”, which includes the ancient cities of Dambulla, Polonnaruwa, Annuradhapura, as well as the Sigiriya fortress and the town of Mihintale, where, according to local legends, the first Buddhist monks of the island appeared.


Stupa Ruvanovelli, Anuradhapura. Photo 12

The second most popular tourist destination in Sri Lanka is the area of ​​Kandy and Nuwara Eliya. If the “Cultural Triangle” is a region of the ancient two-thousand-year history of the Sinhalese kingdoms, then Kandy and Nuwara Eliya are for the most part a new history closely connected with the British Empire.


Elephant nursery near Kandy

Sri Lanka Nature

And the amazing nature? It is not for nothing that Muslims believe that it was here, on the island of Ceylon, once there was an earthly paradise, and the ancestors of mankind Adam and Eve lived! The endless blue of the ocean beyond the snow-white edge of the beaches, the riot of mountain waterfalls, peaks shrouded in fog, impenetrable jungle and beautiful national parks – your long flight will seem to you just a minor inconvenience, because you will visit a real tropical paradise!

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