Unusual beaches of Spain
There are many wonders in Spain, even the beaches are unusual. Some are completely hidden under water at high tide, others are hidden among the coastal cliffs. On some beaches,…

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Rambla Boulevard, Barcelona
Perhaps there is no better way to truly feel the spirit of Barcelona than just leisurely strolling along its streets and boulevards. One of the most visited streets of Barca…

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What to see in Portugal
The most western and, perhaps, the least developed by Russian tourists state of continental Europe is, of course, Portugal ... Portugal This country is located in Europe, west of Spain,…

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earned the first Yakhimov

Thailand or Vietnam – where to go?

The two main tourist destinations in Southeast Asia today are Thailand and Vietnam. In this article we will try to compare the pros and cons of both directions.

Thailand or Vietnam – where to go?
But first, general information about the conditions of rest in both countries.

A visa to Thailand is not required for a stay of up to 30 days, to Vietnam – is also not required, but up to 15 days. The flight to both countries from Russia is direct and takes nine hours.

In Thailand, a large selection of accommodation and excellent hotel service, in Vietnam, the choice is smaller and the service is weaker. There are a lot of attractions in Thailand, and in Vietnam there are many. Continue reading

What to see in Abu Dhabi?

If you decide which country to go so that your vacation is as comfortable as possible and at the same time informative, the United Arab Emirates will surely attract your attention.

something to see in Abu Dhabi?

In this article we will tell you about what to see in Abu Dhabi – an amazing city, the capital of the UAE and the emirate of the same name, in which the implementation of bold architectural projects with the latest achievements of science and technology coexists peacefully with oriental exoticism and strict adherence to Muslim traditions.

Seeing Abu Dhabi in the airplane window, it is impossible to believe that this greenest city in the UAE is located in the lifeless Arabian desert. But this is exactly so, and about a million trees on its streets, in parks and squares are continuously watered – each individually, like a huge number of flower beds and lawns! Continue reading

We go to Finland by car

And indeed it is very convenient, because from St. Petersburg to Helsinki you can get there in just 5 hours, and from Vyborg in 2-3 hours. Plus, you do not depend on anyone, and you can plan your trip as you please.

It is also important that the Russian driver’s license is valid throughout Finland, that is, you do not need to additionally receive an International Driving License.

You can enter Finland by car from Russia through one of the following border points:

Checkpoint Nuyamaa-Brusnichnoe

• Vaalimaa – Torfyanovka: works 24 hours a day, recommended for those traveling in the direction of Helsinki. Continue reading

Monaco, affordable luxury ...
Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country. Monaco, affordable luxury ...…


Which countries have their own Venice?
In the world there are many cities with a developed system of canals, ducts and bridges, because of which they are often called the "Venice" of their countries. The most…


Active holidays in Armenia
In addition to the fact that Armenia is a country rich in historical monuments, which is why it is often called the “open-air museum”, nature has created excellent conditions for…
