Monaco, affordable luxury ...
Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country. Monaco, affordable luxury ...…

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Buda Castle in Budapest
Buda Castle is a historic castle of Hungarian kings, which rises in the territory of Budapest. Once it was called the Royal Palace and the Royal Castle ... Buda Castle…

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Unusual beaches of Spain
There are many wonders in Spain, even the beaches are unusual. Some are completely hidden under water at high tide, others are hidden among the coastal cliffs. On some beaches,…

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a modern

Nine unusual waterfalls in different countries

No one knows how many waterfalls are on the earth. Perhaps this is because sometimes it is difficult to say: is there really a waterfall in front of us, that is, just water falling from a height, and not something else, some of them look very unusual.
And even what waterfall is considered unusual, no one knows for sure either. Therefore, we do not call our selection “World Top 10” or “World Waterfall Rating”, but simply talk about ten waterfalls in different countries that seemed unusual to us.

Here, as they say, you can’t argue: when water painted in blood-red color gushes from ice rocks, this spectacle is unusual and even fantastic, reminiscent of horror films. But there is no “horror”: the reason for the unusual color of the water, according to scientists, lies in the chemical composition of the glacier, this water stream forms from melting. It contains a lot of iron oxide, in other words, ordinary rust.

Misty Waterfall, Iceland Continue reading

Where to go to relax at sea this summer?
According to official statistics, in recent years, the most popular summer beach destinations among our compatriots are Turkey, Greece, Spain and Egypt. In this article we will try to figure…


The most disappointing sights
Whatever country you are going to, guides, articles on the Internet, brochures must mention the main local attractions. The most disappointing sights Tourists are waiting for meetings with them, hoping…


The five most interesting zoos in the world
In fact, everyone loves them - and not only for the opportunity to see strange animals, birds, insects and fish, but also for a great chance to have fun and…
