Bama - the abode of the centenarians in China
“To live to be a hundred years old!”, - this phrase has long been steadily associated rather with some, not the most thoughtful, feast toasts than with reality. Nevertheless, the…

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Carnival in Dusseldorf
Dusseldorf is known worldwide for its reliable banks, grotesque buildings and the fashion shows of the best fashion designers. A much smaller number of people are familiar with the traditional…

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Thailand or Vietnam - where to go?
The two main tourist destinations in Southeast Asia today are Thailand and Vietnam. In this article we will try to compare the pros and cons of both directions. Thailand or…

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wind direction

Nine unusual waterfalls in different countries

No one knows how many waterfalls are on the earth. Perhaps this is because sometimes it is difficult to say: is there really a waterfall in front of us, that is, just water falling from a height, and not something else, some of them look very unusual.
And even what waterfall is considered unusual, no one knows for sure either. Therefore, we do not call our selection “World Top 10” or “World Waterfall Rating”, but simply talk about ten waterfalls in different countries that seemed unusual to us.

Here, as they say, you can’t argue: when water painted in blood-red color gushes from ice rocks, this spectacle is unusual and even fantastic, reminiscent of horror films. But there is no “horror”: the reason for the unusual color of the water, according to scientists, lies in the chemical composition of the glacier, this water stream forms from melting. It contains a lot of iron oxide, in other words, ordinary rust.

Misty Waterfall, Iceland Continue reading

Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary is a spa town in the west of the Czech Republic, located in the historic Bohemia region at the confluence of the Ohře and Tepla rivers, 120 km…


Features holidays in Goa
India is a very popular tourist destination among our compatriots ... Features holidays in Goa But if 5-10 years ago tours to India were purchased because of the desire to…


Beautiful old Lisbon
The city of Lisbon is magnificent, you can wander through its historic streets all day without any purpose, just enjoy this ancient and beautiful city, as well as its unique…
