Unusual beaches of Spain
There are many wonders in Spain, even the beaches are unusual. Some are completely hidden under water at high tide, others are hidden among the coastal cliffs. On some beaches,…

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Scandinavian countries - what to see for tourists?
The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are…

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Meet Montenegro!
Your tour to this Balkan country can be active, informative and short, or it may have a more relaxed “country format” more familiar to our compatriots. Montenegrins are a few…

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rooms were empty

Buda Castle in Budapest

Buda Castle is a historic castle of Hungarian kings, which rises in the territory of Budapest. Once it was called the Royal Palace and the Royal Castle …

Buda Castle in Budapest

Since 2002, this building, together with Andrassy Avenue and ancient Aquincum, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. You can look at it if you study the hotels of Budapest and book a room for accommodation in one of them. You can get to the fortress by the Šiklo funicular or by bus from Sell Kalman Square.

The residence of the kings first appeared here during the reign of King Bel IV in the 13th century. During the reign of Sigismund, the castle was expanded, in that era it was the largest. After the battle in 1526, Hungary ceased to exist as a kingdom, so the Turks were able to penetrate the building and settle in it. Continue reading

The most disappointing sights
Whatever country you are going to, guides, articles on the Internet, brochures must mention the main local attractions. The most disappointing sights Tourists are waiting for meetings with them, hoping…


How much to fly to Sri Lanka and which airlines?
Your vacation in Sri Lanka will undoubtedly be useful and rich in vivid impressions, but you should prepare for the fact that the flight to the island of Ceylon in…


Sights of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is our close neighbor. This country has not only a common border with Russia, but a common historical past, and many spiritual, economic and humanitarian ties. However, how much…
