Scandinavian countries - what to see for tourists?
The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are…

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Buda Castle in Budapest
Buda Castle is a historic castle of Hungarian kings, which rises in the territory of Budapest. Once it was called the Royal Palace and the Royal Castle ... Buda Castle…

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Jachymov is a balneotherapy (radon) resort in the north-east of the Czech Republic, located 17 km from Karlovy Vary and 130 km from Prague, at an altitude of 650 m…

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makes the country

Thailand or Vietnam – where to go?

The two main tourist destinations in Southeast Asia today are Thailand and Vietnam. In this article we will try to compare the pros and cons of both directions.

Thailand or Vietnam – where to go?
But first, general information about the conditions of rest in both countries.

A visa to Thailand is not required for a stay of up to 30 days, to Vietnam – is also not required, but up to 15 days. The flight to both countries from Russia is direct and takes nine hours.

In Thailand, a large selection of accommodation and excellent hotel service, in Vietnam, the choice is smaller and the service is weaker. There are a lot of attractions in Thailand, and in Vietnam there are many. Continue reading

The best beaches of Sharm El Sheikh
Thanks to decent service by “Egyptian standards”, a transparent sea and chic coral reefs, Charm is without exaggeration the most popular Egyptian resort among foreign tourists ... In this article…


Israel: must-see places
The area of ​​Israel by our standards is quite small, but there are so many historical places on its territory that it is almost impossible to visit them in a…


The level of comfort and service in Prague hotels does not always correspond to the declared star rating. Meals are usually based on breakfast (not the most satisfying "European" option).…
