The best beaches of Sharm El Sheikh
Thanks to decent service by “Egyptian standards”, a transparent sea and chic coral reefs, Charm is without exaggeration the most popular Egyptian resort among foreign tourists ... In this article…

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Sights of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is our close neighbor. This country has not only a common border with Russia, but a common historical past, and many spiritual, economic and humanitarian ties. However, how much…

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Rambla Boulevard, Barcelona
Perhaps there is no better way to truly feel the spirit of Barcelona than just leisurely strolling along its streets and boulevards. One of the most visited streets of Barca…

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Scandinavian countries – what to see for tourists?

The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe – Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are parts of Denmark, and the Aland Islands are part of Finland.

Scandinavian countries

But this formulation is erroneous, since traditionally only Sweden, Norway and Denmark belong to the historical and cultural region of Scandinavia. This region covers the Scandinavian peninsula (Norway, Sweden and part of northwestern Finland), the Jutland peninsula (Denmark) and the adjacent islands.

But usually in all guidebooks Iceland and Finland are also called Scandinavia, because they are very close, as well as history and culture are closely connected with the Scandinavian countries. And even the flags of these five countries are similar, all feature a characteristic cross, slightly offset from the center to the left. By the way, he first appeared on the flag of Denmark. Continue reading

Travel to the land of giants - in the UAE
Traveling to the UAE is a great way to see something unusual, because the Asian flavor is completely different from any European state. Travel to the Land of the Giants…


The coast of France stretches for 3 427 km. About 270 beaches on all coasts of France are marked with the ecological blue flag symbol Blue Flag. South of france…


Hotels are classified into five categories: “super-luxury” (5 *), “luxury” (5 *), first class (4 *), second class (three-star) and third class (two-star). Prices largely depend on the season and…
