If you plan to travel the Czech Republic by car, be sure to put in your wallet the rights, vehicle registration certificate and green insurance. The latter can be bought…

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Sights of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is our close neighbor. This country has not only a common border with Russia, but a common historical past, and many spiritual, economic and humanitarian ties. However, how much…

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Beautiful old Lisbon
The city of Lisbon is magnificent, you can wander through its historic streets all day without any purpose, just enjoy this ancient and beautiful city, as well as its unique…

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neighboring Poland

Holidays in the Polish Baltic

For Poles, the southern coast of the Baltic Sea is their “Far North”. But the country has no other sea, and today the Baltic coast of Poland is actually more than 500 km of the resort area …

Holidays in the Polish Baltic

Most of the Poles themselves rest in the Polish Baltic (in Pomorie, as they say here). But in the crowded Polish-speaking crowd of tourists, flooding the Polish coastal cities in the summer, one can often hear both German and Dutch speech.

At first glance, this seems strange – the Dutch and Germans have their own resorts in the same climatic zone, and the latter have them on the same Baltic coast. However, economical Europeans have their own calculation: in Pomorie, quite acceptable, by European standards, travel services – accommodation, meals, excursions – are cheaper than in their countries.

Holidays in the Baltic in Poland Continue reading

Sri Lanka attracts divers from all over the world with a variety of corals, marine inhabitants with unusual names and species (angelfish, Moorish idols, parrot fish), dolphins and whale sharks,…


Jachymov is a balneotherapy (radon) resort in the north-east of the Czech Republic, located 17 km from Karlovy Vary and 130 km from Prague, at an altitude of 650 m…


Jachymov is a balneotherapy (radon) resort in the north-east of the Czech Republic, located 17 km from Karlovy Vary and 130 km from Prague, at an altitude of 650 m…
