What to see in Portugal
The most western and, perhaps, the least developed by Russian tourists state of continental Europe is, of course, Portugal ... Portugal This country is located in Europe, west of Spain,…

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Unusual beaches of Spain
There are many wonders in Spain, even the beaches are unusual. Some are completely hidden under water at high tide, others are hidden among the coastal cliffs. On some beaches,…

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Meet Montenegro!
Your tour to this Balkan country can be active, informative and short, or it may have a more relaxed “country format” more familiar to our compatriots. Montenegrins are a few…

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passes right through

Monaco, affordable luxury …

Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country.

Monaco, affordable luxury …
For some, Monaco is associated with chic hotels and luxurious life, with world-famous casinos, and for some with world-famous Formula 1 races.

One thing is for sure, this is one of the most calm and stable countries, for 700 years now there have been no revolutions and coups.

All this time, the country is ruled by the Grimaldi dynasty, one of the oldest monarchies in Europe. Due to the fact that the laws here do not tax private capital with income tax, here you can meet many famous Hollywood stars and athletes living in chic mansions. In Monaco, you can also meet our Russian millionaires and famous women. Continue reading

Cinque Terre, Italy
According to environmentalists, the province of Cinque Terre on the Ligurian coast of Italy is the cleanest land in the whole Mediterranean. Five small towns clinging to cliffs near the…


Scandinavian countries - what to see for tourists?
The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are…


Where to go to the UAE?
The United Arab Emirates today is a combination of traditions and the latest achievements, luxurious beaches on the background of bold multi-story architecture and desert landscapes ... It offers tourists…
