Carnival in Dusseldorf
Dusseldorf is known worldwide for its reliable banks, grotesque buildings and the fashion shows of the best fashion designers. A much smaller number of people are familiar with the traditional…

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Meet Montenegro!
Your tour to this Balkan country can be active, informative and short, or it may have a more relaxed “country format” more familiar to our compatriots. Montenegrins are a few…

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Parisians guard historical harmony
About how historical architectural monuments are loved and protected in Paris, our compatriots living or visiting the capital of France speak and write a lot and willingly ... Parisians guard…

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Scandinavian countries – what to see for tourists?

The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe – Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are parts of Denmark, and the Aland Islands are part of Finland.

Scandinavian countries

But this formulation is erroneous, since traditionally only Sweden, Norway and Denmark belong to the historical and cultural region of Scandinavia. This region covers the Scandinavian peninsula (Norway, Sweden and part of northwestern Finland), the Jutland peninsula (Denmark) and the adjacent islands.

But usually in all guidebooks Iceland and Finland are also called Scandinavia, because they are very close, as well as history and culture are closely connected with the Scandinavian countries. And even the flags of these five countries are similar, all feature a characteristic cross, slightly offset from the center to the left. By the way, he first appeared on the flag of Denmark. Continue reading

The main architectural sights of Brno are located in the historic center of the city. The central part of the city, which is a pedestrian zone, is surrounded by a…


Which countries have their own Venice?
In the world there are many cities with a developed system of canals, ducts and bridges, because of which they are often called the "Venice" of their countries. The most…


Jachymov is a balneotherapy (radon) resort in the north-east of the Czech Republic, located 17 km from Karlovy Vary and 130 km from Prague, at an altitude of 650 m…
