Marianske Lazne
Unlike other resorts, Marianske Lazne offers treatment for a wide range of diseases. This is primarily due to the fact that the chemical composition of the sources are very different…

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Beautiful old Lisbon
The city of Lisbon is magnificent, you can wander through its historic streets all day without any purpose, just enjoy this ancient and beautiful city, as well as its unique…

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Carnival in Dusseldorf
Dusseldorf is known worldwide for its reliable banks, grotesque buildings and the fashion shows of the best fashion designers. A much smaller number of people are familiar with the traditional…

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receive heat stroke

Holidays in the Russian Baltic

Hot and noisy resorts by the warm seas are not popular with everyone. And not everyone can afford them, if we talk about Thailand, Egypt, the Turkish Mediterranean and other foreign tourist destinations popular with Russians …

The look of a Russian, choosing a place to relax in accordance with his slightly conservative habits and the modest possibilities of a wallet, involuntarily turns to the sea, which washes our northwestern coast – the Baltic.

Holidays in the Baltic

Russian Baltic

The Baltic coast of Russia in the northern part is St. Petersburg, Vyborg, the places themselves are very interesting, but the cold and harsh waves of the Gulf of Finland are not enough for a classic holiday in its summer, beach version. Another thing is the Kaliningrad region, a very peculiar region, the most western in Russia. Continue reading

Darkov is a resort complex in the city of Karvina in the northeast of the Czech Republic, near the border with Poland (5 km). The exceptional natural wealth of iodine-bromine…


Hotels are classified into five categories: “super-luxury” (5 *), “luxury” (5 *), first class (4 *), second class (three-star) and third class (two-star). Prices largely depend on the season and…


Abkhazia - some tips for tourists
Abkhazia is a very beautiful country, and at the same time, colorful even against the background of other Caucasian lands. Holidays here are more suitable for lovers of wildlife, legends…
