The most unusual and beautiful cities of Brazil
In fact, all Brazilian cities can be considered unusual and beautiful, the country of Brazil itself is very beautiful and quite unusual for Europeans ... The most unusual and beautiful…

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Bama - the abode of the centenarians in China
“To live to be a hundred years old!”, - this phrase has long been steadily associated rather with some, not the most thoughtful, feast toasts than with reality. Nevertheless, the…

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How to choose a tour and not regret your choice?
You can trust a travel agency, they will gladly help you choose the right tour, taking into account your taste and financial condition, because this is what they exist for.…

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confluence with

Which countries have their own Venice?

In the world there are many cities with a developed system of canals, ducts and bridges, because of which they are often called the “Venice” of their countries. The most interesting of them will be discussed in this article …

Of course, we will not compare the architectural appearance and history of these cities with the original Venice. The purpose of this article is different – to talk about cities whose inhabitants as well as the Venetians live on the water …

Empuriabrava – Spanish Venice

On the Mediterranean coast of Spanish Catalonia, in the Costa Brava, near the French border, about 150 km from Barcelona, ​​there is the town of Ampuriabrava, built up in Mediterranean-style houses, and known as the Spanish Venice. The total length of the dense network of canals here is almost 25 km, and the number of berths is about five thousand. Unlike Italian Venice, here you can drive to the house either by car or by boat. Continue reading

Beautiful old Lisbon
The city of Lisbon is magnificent, you can wander through its historic streets all day without any purpose, just enjoy this ancient and beautiful city, as well as its unique…


Holidays in the Polish Baltic
For Poles, the southern coast of the Baltic Sea is their “Far North”. But the country has no other sea, and today the Baltic coast of Poland is actually more…


Darkov is a resort complex in the city of Karvina in the northeast of the Czech Republic, near the border with Poland (5 km). The exceptional natural wealth of iodine-bromine…
