Where to go to the UAE?
The United Arab Emirates today is a combination of traditions and the latest achievements, luxurious beaches on the background of bold multi-story architecture and desert landscapes ... It offers tourists…

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Holidays in the Polish Baltic
For Poles, the southern coast of the Baltic Sea is their “Far North”. But the country has no other sea, and today the Baltic coast of Poland is actually more…

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Scandinavian countries - what to see for tourists?
The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are…

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Soviet era

Sights of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is our close neighbor. This country has not only a common border with Russia, but a common historical past, and many spiritual, economic and humanitarian ties. However, how much do we know about modern Azerbaijan?

Sights of Azerbaijan

Any tourist route in Azerbaijan begins in Baku. Sights in the capital of Azerbaijan, as they say, for every taste. Tourists are primarily attracted by Icheri Sheher – an ancient residential quarter behind the fortress wall, in which about 1300 Azerbaijani families live today.

Icheri Sheher – the so-called “Old City” in Baku

On the territory of Icheri Sheher, which is part of the so-called Old Town, there are dozens of historical monuments, among which the most famous are the Maiden Tower and the Shirvanshahs Palace. Continue reading

Nine unusual waterfalls in different countries
No one knows how many waterfalls are on the earth. Perhaps this is because sometimes it is difficult to say: is there really a waterfall in front of us, that…


The coast of France stretches for 3 427 km. About 270 beaches on all coasts of France are marked with the ecological blue flag symbol Blue Flag. South of france…


Buda Castle in Budapest
Buda Castle is a historic castle of Hungarian kings, which rises in the territory of Budapest. Once it was called the Royal Palace and the Royal Castle ... Buda Castle…
