Monaco, affordable luxury ...
Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country. Monaco, affordable luxury ...…

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Meet Montenegro!
Your tour to this Balkan country can be active, informative and short, or it may have a more relaxed “country format” more familiar to our compatriots. Montenegrins are a few…

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Scandinavian countries - what to see for tourists?
The Scandinavian region usually includes all the countries of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are also included here, since they are…

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pilgrimage for the Baha’is

Israel: must-see places

The area of ​​Israel by our standards is quite small, but there are so many historical places on its territory that it is almost impossible to visit them in a short vacation time. The SamSebeTurist travel portal has compiled a very short list of fourteen places to visit. This is a minimum for acquaintance with the most important sights of the country, which is quite accessible for a quick acquaintance.


Of course, the Wailing Wall (Kotel stones in Hebrew) is on the first place in the list, because faith in a real miracle brings millions of people from everywhere. Going down into the tunnels of the Western Wall and feeling the spirit of the Jerusalem Temple is the dream of many, many travelers. The Temple Mount is considered a sacred place for Muslims who dream of seeing the dome of the Rock and the first qibla in Islam Al-Aksu, which is compared with Mecca and Medina in importance for believers. Here stands the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where they go to bow to the place where Jesus was crucified and resurrected.

Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem Continue reading

Beautiful old Lisbon
The city of Lisbon is magnificent, you can wander through its historic streets all day without any purpose, just enjoy this ancient and beautiful city, as well as its unique…


Unusual beaches of Spain
There are many wonders in Spain, even the beaches are unusual. Some are completely hidden under water at high tide, others are hidden among the coastal cliffs. On some beaches,…


Holidays in the Polish Baltic
For Poles, the southern coast of the Baltic Sea is their “Far North”. But the country has no other sea, and today the Baltic coast of Poland is actually more…
