How much to fly to Sri Lanka and which airlines?
Your vacation in Sri Lanka will undoubtedly be useful and rich in vivid impressions, but you should prepare for the fact that the flight to the island of Ceylon in…

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Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary is a spa town in the west of the Czech Republic, located in the historic Bohemia region at the confluence of the Ohře and Tepla rivers, 120 km…

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Active holidays in Armenia
In addition to the fact that Armenia is a country rich in historical monuments, which is why it is often called the “open-air museum”, nature has created excellent conditions for…

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Orthodox churches

Temples in the chalk caves of Pridonya

The Cretaceous Mountains are amazing natural monuments that a traveler will surely encounter, following the land route from Central Russia towards the Kuban, the Caucasus, the Caspian coast.

Temples in the chalk caves of Pridonya

On the territory of the Voronezh, Volgograd, Belgorod, Rostov regions of Russia, Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, the Cretaceous Mountains belt is located in the Don basin and its largest tributary – the Seversky Donets. Departing into the earth’s thickness to a depth of 50 meters, the upper layers of the Cretaceous deposits are mixed with the earth, so grass, shrubs and trees grow on the Cretaceous mountains.

Soft chalk is great for creating caves, so ancient hermit monks settled in the chalk mountains. Later, Orthodox churches began to be built in the thickness of the chalk mountains. We will talk about the most interesting of them in this article.

Church of the Sicilian Icon of the Mother of God Continue reading

Dubai Venice - Madinat Jumeirah District
In this article we will talk about one of the most prestigious resort complexes of the most expensive Dubai Jumeirah district - Madinat Jumeirah ... Dubai Venice - Madinat Jumeirah…


Buda Castle in Budapest
Buda Castle is a historic castle of Hungarian kings, which rises in the territory of Budapest. Once it was called the Royal Palace and the Royal Castle ... Buda Castle…


Meet Montenegro!
Your tour to this Balkan country can be active, informative and short, or it may have a more relaxed “country format” more familiar to our compatriots. Montenegrins are a few…
