Where to go to relax at sea this summer?
According to official statistics, in recent years, the most popular summer beach destinations among our compatriots are Turkey, Greece, Spain and Egypt. In this article we will try to figure…

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Darkov is a resort complex in the city of Karvina in the northeast of the Czech Republic, near the border with Poland (5 km). The exceptional natural wealth of iodine-bromine…

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Sights of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is our close neighbor. This country has not only a common border with Russia, but a common historical past, and many spiritual, economic and humanitarian ties. However, how much…

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mandatory registration

Abkhazia – some tips for tourists

Abkhazia is a very beautiful country, and at the same time, colorful even against the background of other Caucasian lands. Holidays here are more suitable for lovers of wildlife, legends and antiquities than lovers of established service and comfort of cozy hotels.

Abkhazia – some tips for tourists

And the sea in Abkhazia is considered the cleanest on the entire Black Sea coast, and the air with a pine-cypress aroma is very useful. However, if a lot has already been written about the beauties of Abkhazia, then they are reluctant to write about the small difficulties that tourists may have when visiting the former “Soviet Riviera”.

In this article, we will try to tell you about Abkhazian surprises that are best avoided so that the trip leaves only pleasant memories.

Some surprises will by no means be surprises for those who have already rested in the Caucasus and are familiar with the Caucasian mentality. This means – one should not be rude, provoke local residents with too frank clothes, and in no case should humiliate national dignity. Continue reading

Bama - the abode of the centenarians in China
“To live to be a hundred years old!”, - this phrase has long been steadily associated rather with some, not the most thoughtful, feast toasts than with reality. Nevertheless, the…


What to see in Abu Dhabi?
If you decide which country to go so that your vacation is as comfortable as possible and at the same time informative, the United Arab Emirates will surely attract your…


Monaco, affordable luxury ...
Monaco is a small country, barely visible on the world map. But it’s hard to find someone who has never heard anything about this amazing country. Monaco, affordable luxury ...…
