Darkov is a resort complex in the city of Karvina in the northeast of the Czech Republic, near the border with Poland (5 km). The exceptional natural wealth of iodine-bromine…

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Israel: must-see places
The area of ​​Israel by our standards is quite small, but there are so many historical places on its territory that it is almost impossible to visit them in a…

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Cinque Terre, Italy
According to environmentalists, the province of Cinque Terre on the Ligurian coast of Italy is the cleanest land in the whole Mediterranean. Five small towns clinging to cliffs near the…

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cleared of corals

The best beaches of Sharm El Sheikh

Thanks to decent service by “Egyptian standards”, a transparent sea and chic coral reefs, Charm is without exaggeration the most popular Egyptian resort among foreign tourists …

In this article we will talk about the beach nuances of this resort area, and determine the best beaches of Sharm El Sheikh, in terms of a comfortable beach holiday.

The best beaches of Sharm El Sheikh

The vast majority of local beaches here are coral, that is, corals start almost from the coast, stretch on average 20-50 meters, so without special protective shoes, swimming from the coast is simply dangerous, especially for children. Almost all hotels equipped their beaches with pontoons that go beyond the borders of reefs, so that tourists can safely go to the depths along them, without fear of cutting themselves on corals.

Pontoon in Sharm El Sheikh Continue reading

The main architectural sights of Brno are located in the historic center of the city. The central part of the city, which is a pedestrian zone, is surrounded by a…


Bama - the abode of the centenarians in China
“To live to be a hundred years old!”, - this phrase has long been steadily associated rather with some, not the most thoughtful, feast toasts than with reality. Nevertheless, the…


Parisians guard historical harmony
About how historical architectural monuments are loved and protected in Paris, our compatriots living or visiting the capital of France speak and write a lot and willingly ... Parisians guard…
